5 Quick tips for Positive Parenting

Empowered by Hope | Stress Management by Tiffany McBride

Want to learn how to discipline children without yelling, punishing, nagging, shaming or spanking?


Step 1 - Set limits.

Step 2 - Manage your time

Step 3 - Chose your battles wisely

Step 4 - Use calming skills

Step 5 - Take time off

Understanding the value of discipline in the home is essential in establishing clear, productive and consistent guidelines that everyone in the family understands.

Following the guidelines also keeps from arbitrary commands that are confuse and alienate the child in your care. Your goal is to discipline to correct, to help, to improve - not to punish.

Tip: If the term discipline instantly leads to negative images, it may be helpful to replace the word discipline with the word training.

Positive Parenting throws yelling, punishing, nagging, shaming and spanking to the street. Better options are available for our adult brains
— Christine Loeffler

1. Set limits - As a parent when we see our child misbehave sometimes we go from 0 to 100 because we feel they should know better and that may be true, but the fact is they are a child and they will test limits to see if you really meant what you say. Parents are sometimes embarrassed when their child acts out and we want to stop the behavior now, so we may yell or even spank the child, which can be counterproductive. If you want to bring their level of behavior down you have to do it as well.

2. Manage your time - The better you manage your time so you will have enough fuel to deal with your child or children in a positive or productive manner. If you do not you will become stressed, anger, short-tempered, and the child will be the victim of displaced anger. You want your child to feel loved and that they are not getting on your nerves, or you don't have time for them because they could cause your child to withdraw.

3. Choose your battles - This will save you and the child a lot of headaches. Don't put yourself in a battle that is not that big of a deal. Example like their choice of clothes or You buy the clothes so they only have what you buy unless they have a job and buying their own because when they leave the house they can get clothes anywhere and time will determine whether they made the right choice or not.

4. Use calming skills - This is for you and to teach your child as well, so if you don't have any skills learn some because your child will learn them from you.

5 Take time off - If you don't off. Time will tick you off. Manage your work time, family time, spouse time and then there is your time. You need that me time to recharge yourself so you can still be you. Stop feeling guilty for wanting to be alone. When you take time for yourself and you are doing what you want to do when you have that me-time your endorphins are smiling and you get back to your family, spouse, children, and the job you have the room you need to bear a little more life has to through at you.

Parenting is not easy, but it's the best job in the world and it's the only job that lasts forever.